Potty Training Tips

Potty training tips

Potty training is an incredibly daunting task to any parent. I know because I have been there myself! In this blog I am going to get down to the specifics. There is more than one way to go about potty training and of course everyone has their own method or suggestion.

The fact of the matter is that no two children are the same! A method that works for one child may not work for another. As a parent you know your child much better than anyone else. You can immediately tell when a method you are attempting isn’t going to work.

Great! Here are some constructive tips that can help you with potty training your little one:

Do not beat yourself up about potty training. Your child will learn to use the toilet in his or her own time regardless of if you train them immediately or if it comes later. There is nothing to be ashamed of. It does not make your child less of a human being to be a little bit late in learning the potty ropes. Stay calm.

Here are some helpful tips to hopefully push you and your little one in the correct direction when it comes to using the potty.

Most people wait until a child is between 2 and 3 years old to start potty training. Some people manage to potty train their child at a much younger age, but you really should wait until your child is 18 months or older.

Learning how to use the potty can be an emotional experience for a child. Waiting until the child is a bit more matured and comfortable is a good solution to this problem.

Around 2 years of age a child begins to communicate much better than before and they can signal and say some words that let you know how they feel about things. This obviously is a bonus when it comes to potty training and you ask the child if they need to use the potty.

Understanding Developmental Readiness

Before embarking on the potty training journey, it’s essential to recognize signs of readiness in your child. These signs may include showing interest in the bathroom, expressing discomfort with soiled diapers, or demonstrating the ability to communicate their needs effectively. Waiting until your child is developmentally ready can help make the potty training process smoother and more successful.

Establishing a Positive Attitude

It is crucial for parents and children to maintain a positive attitude and approach to potty training. Avoid placing undue pressure or expectations on your child and instead foster a supportive and encouraging environment. Celebrate small victories and progress, and remain patient and understanding during setbacks or accidents.

Preparation and Planning

Introducing the Concept of Potty Training Start by introducing the concept of potty training to your child gently and age-appropriately. Use books, videos, or role-playing to familiarize them with the idea of using the potty. Let them observe older siblings or peers using the toilet to help demystify the process.

Investing in the Right Equipment Invest in potty training essentials such as a child-sized potty chair or seat adapter for the toilet. Let your child choose their potty chair or seat to create a sense of ownership and excitement. Additionally, stock up on training pants, underwear, wipes, and other supplies to facilitate the transition from diapers to underwear.

Creating Consistent Bathroom Habits

Establishing a consistent bathroom routine is essential for potty training success. Encourage your child to sit on the potty at regular intervals throughout the day, such as after meals, upon waking up, and before bedtime. Praise and reward them for attempting to use the potty, regardless of the outcome.

Using Positive Reinforcement

Positive reinforcement is a powerful motivator for children during potty training. Offer praise, encouragement, and small rewards, such as stickers or verbal praise, each time your child successfully uses the potty. Create a reward chart or sticker chart to track progress and celebrate milestones together visually.

Managing Accidents and Setbacks

Accidents are a natural part of the potty training process and should be met with patience and understanding. When accidents occur, remain calm and reassure your child that it’s okay. Avoid scolding or punishing your child, as this can create anxiety and hinder progress. Instead, focus on offering support and encouragement to try again.

Addressing Resistance or Fear

Some children may resist or fear using the potty, which can complicate the training process. Acknowledge your child’s feelings and validate their concerns while gently encouraging them to try again. Offer reassurance and support, and avoid forcing or pressuring them to use the potty before they’re ready.

Celebrating Milestones and Progress

As your child progresses with potty training, celebrate their achievements and milestones along the way. Whether they successfully use the potty for the first time or go a whole day without accidents, acknowledge their efforts and express pride in their accomplishments. Celebrate with praise, hugs, and special rewards to reinforce positive behavior.

Encouraging Independence and Responsibility As your child gains confidence and mastery in using the potty, gradually encourage independence and responsibility. Encourage them to recognize their body cues and take initiative in using the potty without constant reminders. Reinforce their sense of accomplishment and autonomy as they transition to managing their bathroom needs independently.

The Potty Training Code.

Before you jump into potty training try to have keywords or signals your child can use to let you know if they have to pee or poo. Usually, by the time you go to potty train your child, they will have developed some way of telling you they must use the bathroom or are currently going potty in their diaper.

It will be up to you to detect your child’s body language and develop a keyword or signal between the two of you. In my particular case, my daughter would look me in the eye and grab her diaper. I would ask her, “Do you have to go tee-tee?” She would then say yes or no. If your child cannot speak yet, teach them to gesture somehow. Once this is established you are well on the way to actually potty training your little one.

Let’s Get This “Potty” Started. (Insert laughter here.)

So, by this point, your child is mature enough to handle potty training, and you have a signal word or gesture. You also should be able to read your child’s body language. Wait until the appropriate time. It is best to wait until your child has recently peed and/or pooped already.

Figure out an approximate amount of time between each soiled diaper/pull-up. This will give you a decent indication of when to expect the next potty time. Also, be sure to account for if your child has extra liquids between the wet/soiled diaper. Cut a little time off your estimate if that is the case.

When you expect your little one to need to use the potty, if they have not gestured or said a word by this point, take them to their potty. This may be a smaller version of the actual toilet or, in my child’s case, a step stool and toilet seat cover for toddlers.

When you take your child to the potty, act extremely enthusiastic with them about it. Pretend like it’s the biggest and most amazing event you’ve ever had the opportunity to behold. (Honestly, if you’ve been changing diapers for about two years by this point, it is.) Help your child sit or get on the potty, and show nothing but a positive reaction to the potty itself.

Your child should feel mutual about this. Try to coach your child by telling them to go potty and be excited for them to try. Do not get discouraged if your child does not respond well to this method. However, some children will pick it up immediately under the proper circumstances. It is best to try when you have a full day to spend and dedicate to your efforts. If you fail the first time, you can keep trying.

Try again later

If, after all of your efforts, your child is not picking up potty training, you may just need to wait and try again. You do not have to give up efforts completely, but maybe take a break until you both are ready. Some children do not learn until they are almost 4 years old, which is perfectly fine. Your child is normal and they will learn in their own time regardless. Do not worry or feel embarrassed about it. It does not make you less of a parent if your child isn’t ready. All children develop at their own pace.

If you are struggling to potty train, I hope this blog helps!

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