How I Gained Hundreds of Pinterest Followers (Updated 2021)

How I Gained Hundreds of Pinterest Followers

After a few steady days of increased followers, I feel like I need to share some valuable information with my readers. If you have been having a tough time with Pinterest then this post is for you. Here is how I gained hundreds of Pinterest followers.

*This post contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated a small amount if you perform an action such as clicking or purchasing. This is at absolutely no extra cost to you.*

How I Got Started

First, I created my Pinterest profile. I made sure to set up a profile picture and a brief description. Then, I quickly converted my profile into a business profile rather than a regular one. After that, I also verified my website with Pinterest.

Much like everyone who creates a Pinterest account I began by creating my Pin Boards. Boards are essentially categories you create to organize your pins. For example, if you really like shoes, you would title your Board something like “Fab Shoes”. You can name your boards whatever you like, but I recommend making them specific and then only pinning relevant pins in their respective categories. This gives your boards an organized feel and makes it much more visually appealing.

You also want to use keywords in your board descriptions that reflect the types of pins you will be saving to them.

I Began Pinning

Once my board categories were set up I began pinning. I naturally browsed through Pinterest and pinned things that interested me. At this point, I maybe had around 10 followers. These were just a few people who found my profile or liked my pins. While my boards were beautiful, I wasn’t gaining followers very quickly. Honestly, Pinterest got put on the back burner for a few weeks at a time. I would log in simply to pin a few things, see that I had 2 or 3 new followers, and then log out.

The Struggle

Lots of bloggers tend to struggle to build a following on Pinterest. Perhaps they simply get bored with it. Still, we all keep hearing how Pinterest is amazing for bloggers and how it helps them gain blog traffic. Why, then, do so many bloggers struggle with it? I asked myself the same question.

I kept reading all of these posts about how great Pinterest was. That is when I got truly frustrated. I had built my Twitter following up, but Pinterest was still sitting there with only a few measly followers. There was no real momentum in sight. So you are now probably wondering, what is the secret to how I gained hundreds of Pinterest followers? (Update as of 2021: Thousands of followers)

I Learned About Tailwind

Now I know what you are thinking, “Here we go again about that darn Tailwind. People preach about it constantly in their blog posts. I get advertisements popping up for it non-stop. The name is familiar to most of us by now whether we use it or not. After having no luck with Pinterest I decided to give Tailwind a try. Pretty much I figured it didn’t matter if it worked or not as things couldn’t get any worse. So I signed up and began looking around.

Tailwind Is Simple

The biggest relief I had was discovering that Tailwind is simple to navigate. It has a tutorial that literally shows you what to do. This was good because I didn’t have any patience at the time and was already frustrated about my Pinterest stats. I decided not to get too in depth with Tailwind’s capabilities, but made note of the post scheduling feature. Scheduling posts with Tailwind is very simple and you can schedule posts out in advance for days. Naturally, I was impressed.

Tailwind Tribes Is How I Gained Hundreds of Pinterest Followers

So here I am totally new to Tailwind. Very few Pinterest followers still at this point. I had managed to get a couple hundred over the course of months. Yes, months. My Pinterest following was growing at a snail’s pace honestly. In many ways I had heard from other bloggers about Tailwind’s Tribe feature, but didn’t really understand how it worked.

After following the Tailwind simple prompts I began browsing for Tribes to join. Tribes are essentially groups of other people trying to grow their Pinterest following as well. I browsed around and found 3 different Tribes that seemed relevant to me. I am sure I could have found tons more, but I didn’t want to overwhelm myself.  The 3 Tribes I joined were “Bloggers Killin It On Pinterest“, “All Niches! Promote, Grow, and Learn“, and “Pinterest Friends“.

Queuing Content

Once I had joined these tribes, I selected one to start interacting with. To this day, I have not done as much as I probably could with Tribes, but the little I did had amazing results. When you join a tribe, you can add content of your own or share other popular content the tribe has to offer.

You Can Be The Judge

It is essentially a community of pinners who reshare each other’s content. I highly recommend adding your own content but definitely reshare content that is already popular. You can see how popular a pin is by looking in the right upper corner. The higher the popularity of the pin, the better it will do with engagement. Not only will you be increasing the popularity of your own pins, but you will become a curator of great content. This is how I gained hundreds of Pinterest followers.

You could say it is luck that my Pinterest has grown by hundreds, or you can take a look at my stats for the past week. As you can see, the growth of my Pinterest following has been undeniably steady, and it has increased by nearly 400 followers.

This is in only one week. Imagine the long-term growth! I think it is safe to say that there is something great about Tailwind. I now have around 29k monthly followers. Also, my daily pin impressions and average daily viewers have increased over the last 30 days.

I Hope This Post Helps

I know it seems too simple, but it really was that easy. I’ve done nothing strenuous and the growth has been steady. I hope that this post helps clarify any questions on how I gained hundreds of Pinterest followers. 


I still pop over to Tailwind from time to time, but with Pinterest’s latest update, they prefer manually pinned and scheduled content with their built-in scheduler.

That being said, Tailwind is a great tool for saving time and gaining a following. If you are considering using Tailwind for scheduling, you can certainly give it a trial run. 

Want to learn how to gain Twitter followers?Click Here

Thank you for reading! Happy blogging.

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