How Bloggers Can Make The Most Of Amazon’s Affiliate Program

how bloggers can make the most out of amazon's affiliate program

If you’ve been reading my posts or follow me on social media, you probably already know that Amazon is my affiliate program of choice. The reason I choose it time and time again is because of how easy it is to make sales with.

*As an Amazon Associate this post contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated a small amount if you should click and purchase something through them. This is at no extra cost to you.

My Niche Is Difficult!

If you’ve tried Amazon’s Associate program in the past and found it difficult to understand or made no sales, the problem could be your niche.

But, that does NOT mean there is no hope for you. Chances are you are choosing products to promote that do not align properly with your blog.

It’s a common mistake and one that I’ve made myself in the past.

To Make Sales You Have To Be Consistent

This is a definite must. If you want to make the most out of Amazon’s affiliate program you really have to be consistent.

What do I mean by that?

If you promote one product one day and a different product the next, you probably won’t make many sales.

I highly recommend mentioning and writing about the same product in as many ways as possible. Create as many blog posts as you can about it that are original and SEO friendly.

Those that make the most with affiliate marketing usually focus on just a handful of products at a time.

Traffic Is A Factor

As with many blogging endeavors, your traffic is a huge factor. Someone who gets 20,000+ visitors a day will probably get many more sales than someone with only 100 visitors per day.

You still can make sales.

The key is to find out what your audience is looking for. What can you help them with? What do they enjoy reading about on your blog?

If you have a good audience even a handful of dedicated readers could land you plenty of sales to make Amazon’s affiliate program worth it.

How Can I Get More Visitors?

I get asked this a lot. The explanation is simple, but making it happen can be a challenge.

I highly recommend focusing on SEO. Optimizing your post for search engines is a definite way to find more visitors in the long run.

In the short term you should be posting on social media. Not just arbitrarily, but with intention.

Schedule pins with Pinterest and build up boards with your content.

All of these efforts will help you make sales in the long run.

Guest Post

One of the best ways in the world to get traffic to your blog is by guest posting on much larger blogs than yours.

Imagine living on a deserted island. How many people are you going to run into? That’s exactly what it’s like when you never leave your own blog.

Once you start posting on other blogs, their traffic can essentially become your own.

Do enough guest posts and you will not only boost your backlinks and raise your DA, but gain traffic over time.

Amazon Is A Pro At Converting

Everyone and their grandmother uses Amazon to buy things on the fly. Almost every single time I log on there I want to get something new.

The same goes for pretty much everyone. Your main goal is to get people to Amazon.

With one of the highest conversion rates of any affiliate network, you are likely to make a sale if you can convince someone to click a link and go there.

Use A Strong Call To Action

I can’t stress enough how important your call to action is. A lot of people link products on their blog and are really missing out on sales because they do not make it obvious enough that they want someone to purchase something.

When I’m reading a post and everything looks like regular text I read it as such and that is most likely what other readers will do as well.

You have to make your call to action stand out. If you want someone to buy something you should make it nice and obvious.

What Are Products I Can Promote?

Here are some products you could promote based on specific niches.


  • Exercise Equipment
  • Workout E-books
  • Protein Powders
  • Supplements
  • Workout Clothes
  • Yoga Mats
  • Running Shoes


  • Planners
  • Budgeting Products
  • E-books
  • Calculators
  • Organizers
  • Wallets
  • Safes


  • Makeup
  • Bath Bombs
  • Shampoos/Conditioners
  • Soaps
  • Hair Products
  • Lotions
  • Lip Balm
  • Epsom Salts
  • E-books


  • Art Supplies
  • Wax For Candles
  • Soap Bases
  • Colorants
  • Dyes
  • Resin
  • Glitter
  • Paint
  • How-to Guides


  • E-books
  • Journals
  • Planners
  • Organizers
  • Stationary
  • Office Supplies
  • Digital Cameras

Mental Health

  • Self Help E-books
  • Yoga Mats
  • Self Care Products
  • Journals
  • Weighted Blankets
  • Essential Oil Diffusers
  • Light Therapy Lamps

Give It Your Best Effort

Never give up. That’s my biggest piece of advice.

Looking back 3 years to where I was and how little I understood blogging and especially Amazon I can say I am glad I didn’t give up.

Everything takes time and blogging can be a challenge. If you want to make money with your blog there are plenty of ways.

However, I hope this posts gives you a good idea how bloggers can make the most of Amazon’s affiliate program.

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