What The Sincere Mommy Blog Is All About

I am so glad you decided to check out my crafting, laughing, and learning website! I’m a mother of 2 who is extremely busy like many of you out there. With homework, dinner, cleaning, and errands there is little to no time for fun…but I make time anyway!

Over the years I have developed a passion for crafts and DIY. I would like to think I have a pretty good sense of humor too! What some may call blunt honesty, but I’m sincere non-the-less! Hence the name Sincere Mommy. Anyway, who doesn’t like to make cool stuff and have a laugh?

My mission on this website is to provide a safe haven for moms with a little spare time to come check out some arts and crafts, laugh a little (or a lot), and learn something new. I do a lot of how-to’s, tutorials, and product reviews.

New Crafty Posts Weekly!

I will have a new post for you weekly! Check back frequently because you just never know what I’ll be into next.

If you sign up for my email newsletter we can stay connected and I will send out exclusive craft posts and goodies from time to time.

I only promote things I think you’ll like and share things with you that are fun to do. 

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