Owlet Baby Monitor Sock (2024 Update)

Owlet Baby monitor smart sock

If you are a worrisome parent like I am then you understand the importance of having a top of the line baby monitor system like Owlet. Honestly the scariest part of becoming a parent was worrying about SIDS. I personally worried day in and day out about it. Baby monitors are like guardian angels to a worried parent. A parent who hasn’t slept in days out of fear for their child. A parent who is afraid to close their eyes for one moment because of what may or may not happen. Allow me to share a statistic with you.

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Over 2000 babies per year die of SIDS in the United States.

Statistically, for every 2000 births, there is one case of SIDS-related death. That is .05% of babies in general. .05% is a small percentage, but to parents of an infant that is much more than enough to be worried about. While it is highly unlikely it would happen to your baby, the thought of it is horrific.

Losing a child to Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) is a heart-wrenching experience that no parent should ever have to endure. However, experts are making significant strides in understanding the causes of this devastating condition. With the help of technology, parents can take a much-needed break and rest assured that their baby is being closely monitored throughout the night. While a baby monitor cannot guarantee the safety of the little one, it can provide parents with the peace of mind they need to get some much-needed rest. The Owlet Baby Monitor Sock is an incredibly reliable and trustworthy baby monitor that can help keep your baby safe.

While a baby monitor does not guarantee your baby’s safety, it can help you keep your baby safe by alerting you. The baby monitor I feel is extremely trustworthy is the Owlet Baby Monitor Sock.

What is Sudden Infant Death Syndrome?

Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) is defined as the sudden and unexplained death of an otherwise healthy infant, typically occurring during sleep. SIDS is a leading cause of death among infants aged one month to one year, with the highest risk period occurring between two and four months of age. Despite extensive research efforts, the exact cause of SIDS remains elusive, making prevention challenging.

Risk Factors for SIDS

While the precise cause of SIDS is unknown, certain factors have been identified as potential contributors to its occurrence. These risk factors include infants sleeping on their stomachs or sides, exposure to secondhand smoke, overheating during sleep, and maternal smoking during pregnancy. Additionally, premature birth, low birth weight, and family history of SIDS or sudden unexpected infant death (SUID) may increase the risk of SIDS.

Creating a Safe Sleep Environment

Creating a safe sleep environment is crucial for reducing the risk of SIDS and promoting infant safety during sleep. The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommends placing infants on their backs to sleep, using a firm mattress with a tight-fitting sheet, and avoiding soft bedding, pillows, and stuffed animals in the crib. Room-sharing without bed-sharing is also encouraged, as it allows for close proximity to caregivers while reducing the risk of suffocation or entrapment.

Implementing Safe Sleep Practices

Implementing safe sleep practices is essential for safeguarding infants against the risk of SIDS. Parents and caregivers should ensure that infants are placed on their backs to sleep for all sleep periods, including naps, and avoid placing them on soft surfaces such as couches or armchairs. Additionally, maintaining a smoke-free environment, breastfeeding if possible, and avoiding overheating are important measures for reducing the risk of SIDS.

Monitoring Infant Health and Development

Monitoring infant health and development is crucial for identifying potential risk factors for SIDS and implementing appropriate preventive measures. Regular well-child visits with healthcare providers allow for ongoing assessment of infant growth, development, and overall health. Parents and caregivers should promptly communicate any concerns or changes in infant behavior to healthcare providers to ensure timely intervention and support.

Providing a Soothing Sleep Environment

Providing a soothing sleep environment can help promote restful and safe sleep for infants. Establishing a consistent bedtime routine, such as bath time, feeding, and quiet time before sleep, can signal to infants that it’s time to wind down and prepare for rest. Creating a calm and dimly lit sleep environment, using white noise or gentle music, and offering comfort objects such as pacifiers or swaddling blankets can also contribute to a peaceful sleep environment.

Understanding the Role of Infant Caregivers

Understanding the role of infant caregivers is essential for promoting safe sleep practices and reducing the risk of SIDS. Caregivers should receive education and training on safe sleep guidelines, including the importance of placing infants on their backs to sleep and avoiding soft bedding and sleep surfaces. Additionally, caregivers should monitor infant sleep environments and practices to ensure adherence to safe sleep recommendations.

Let’s review some of the main features the Owlet Smart Sock has to offer.


  • Tracks your baby’s heart rate and oxygen levels.
  • Uses clinically proven pulse oxymetry.
  • Connects to base station that alerts you if baby’s heart rate or oxygen levels are too high or low.
  • Base station glows green if heart rate and oxygen are normal.
  • Comes with 3 sock sizes for 0-18 months.
  • BPA free.
  • Latex free.
  • Lead free.
  • Low profile sock fits under footie pajamas and regular socks.
  • It is washable, just make sure to remove all sock electronics prior to washing. Use gentle detergent.
  • There is a 1 year warranty from the date of purchase.
  • 45 day satisfaction guarantee, return for any reason.
  • An Owlet Smart Sock app allows you to track your child’s health statistics.
  • You will be notified if sock is not getting valid readings or if the sock falls off.
  • The Owlet Smart Sock will not receive interference from cellphones or other electronics.
  • Uses Bluetooth Low Energy which will not harm your baby.


  • Owlet is not considered a medical device nor does it treat medical conditions.
  • Needs to be charged daily.
  • Does not have sound or video monitor with the current version although future versions are in the works.
  • Ships only to United States, Canada, or Australia.
  • Owlet Sock Monitor is not designed for twins. You would need two separate devices for twins.
  • The app is for Apple devices only with iOS 9.3 or later.
  • The Owlet Sock Monitor is only covered by individuals with insurance that has an FSA or HSA plan.

The Owlet Smart Sock unit comes with the following.

  • 3 Fabric socks (Sizes 0-18 Months)
  • Smart Sock sensor
  • Base station
  • Charging cords
  • Owlet App

The Latest In Owlet Smart Sock Technology Is Here

The Owlet Smart Sock 3 is available for even better peace of mind. The Owlet Smart Sock 3 system provides the ultimate baby monitor system with new and improved features.

What does this new system come with

  • The Owlet 3 offers quick charge capability that lasts up to 16 hours.
  • Get 8 hours of charge in 20 minutes or full charge in 90 minutes.
  • Measures sleep trends including hours slept, number of waking, sleep quality, and more.
  • Base station and app notify you when sleep trends leave the safe zone.
  • Video system allows for high definition audio and video.
  • Batteries Included
  • Fabric sock fits babies 0-18 months.

Note—Owlet monitors are not medical devices and are not designed to diagnose medical issues. They are simply information-gathering products. Always follow a pediatrician’s recommendations for safe sleep.

I highly recommend this product to any parent with an infant. Most baby monitors require you to physically sit in front of a camera continuously in order to keep track of your baby while they sleep or if you are just in a different room. With the Owlet Smart Sock you can feel much more comforted in knowing that if something like your child’s breathing or heart rate changes drastically that the Owlet Base Station will alert you. You can easily monitor your child through an app on your phone as Owlet tracks your baby’s stats. This technology is such a revolution for the worried parent.

Remain Vigilant

Neither the Owlet Smart Sock monitor nor any monitor is 100% guaranteed to keep your child safe. We, as parents, are responsible for our children’s safety. Monitors are here to help us better keep track of our children and are used as a tool. Monitors can create peace of mind, but there is no substitute for diligent parenting and care. Letting our guard down fully is never a good idea while caring for a baby or child. Always be prepared!

I hope this review helps you make an informed purchasing decision. Baby monitor shopping can be difficult, but this system is truly a great one with clear intentions. Keep in mind there is no better monitor than you as a parent.

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