10+ Positive Statements Our Children Need To Hear

10 positive statements children need to hear

Children respond so much better to positive vibes. Creating a positive atmosphere for children is key if you want your child to respect you and understand where you are coming from. At times we as parents tend to lose our cool in certain situations. We sometimes say things that we don’t mean, or we say things that can be easily misunderstood by our children. This can be harmful to our child’s perception of right and wrong. It can be difficult to undo the damage that has been done, but it is not impossible. Here I have posted 10 positive statements that parents need to say to their children.

#1. I love you.

This is the most obvious positive statement of all. Your child needs to hear this as often as possible. You need to reaffirm to your child that you love them. Children have fragile minds. They sometimes think that because they have done something bad recently or have annoyed you in some way, you don’t love them anymore. It’s silly to us, but to them, it feels true. Reassure your child that you love them and put their little minds at ease.

#2. You are smart!

Take the time to encourage your child while they are learning. If they try something new academically and succeed you should praise them for it. If you praise your child for learning then they will be more than excited to keep learning even more. Be sure to let your child know that you notice all the new things they have learned and are proud.

#3. Good job!

Saying something as simple as a good job after your child completes a task or does a chore is a special feeling for a child. Chances are your child will feel better about themselves and will feel encouraged to do more good deeds. Again, let your child know that you notice the little things they do. This will help them feel much more confident in the future.

#4. You are so thoughtful.

If your child has a good idea, be sure to praise them for it. Our children love to see us as happy parents. They sometimes bring us gifts or tokens of their love. To us, it might seem like a dandelion weed pulled from the garden or a shiny object they found, but to them, it is a gift to make us smile. Instead of saying, “I don’t want this,” or “throw that away!” Try telling your child how thoughtful they are.

#5. I believe in you.

Children are so pure and full of hope. They have big dreams and ideas of what they want to be someday. If your child is passionate about something make sure to let them know that you believe in them. Let your child know that you support the vision that they have and that you will be there for them every step of the way. This will encourage creativity and brainstorming.

#6. You are so kind.

When your child exhibits random acts of kindness, be sure to let them know that you see it. When your child is polite and uses manners in public or helps someone out, they should be praised immensely for it. We are raising the future people of the world so it is our duty to teach them that it is right to be kind to others.

#7. You are important.

Children can sometimes get the impression that they don’t really matter. They may think that anything they do is inconsequential or that no one really cares about them. Be sure to let your child know that they are important. Let them know that they have a place in this world just like everyone else and that they matter. This is an invaluable positive statement.

#8. I respect you.

Let your child know that you respect their wishes. While you are the parent and are in charge, you should respect your child all the same. If there is something they are wholeheartedly against or something that they enjoy that you don’t, let them know that you still respect them. If you show your child respect they will be more likely to respect others.

#9. I trust you.

Children do not like to disappoint us. When we as parents become disappointed with our child, this is often more hurtful to their feelings than a punishment. Let your child know that you trust them. Give them a chance to gain trust by assigning them a task or giving them something to be responsible for. Your child will love that you gave them an opportunity to feel special and trusted. Some positive statements we make are through our actions.

#10. You are special.

Let your child know that they are an individual, that there is no one else like them in the world, and that they are yours. Let them know that you think they are special and care for them. This simple positive statement will make your child very happy and make them feel loved.

11. You’re a great helper.

Acknowledging your child’s assistance in daily tasks fosters a sense of responsibility and accomplishment. It shows them that their contributions are valued and important in the family dynamic.

12. You have a wonderful imagination.

Encouraging creativity stimulates your child’s mental growth and problem-solving skills. It lets them know that their unique ideas and thoughts are appreciated and celebrated.

13. Your smile brightens my day.

Recognizing your child’s happiness reinforces positive emotions and strengthens your bond. It emphasizes the impact of their joy on your own well-being and encourages them to express their happiness freely.

14. You have a beautiful heart.

Complimenting your child’s kindness and empathy reinforces positive values and character traits. It highlights the importance of being caring and compassionate towards others.

15. You’re an excellent problem solver.

Praising your child’s ability to find solutions fosters critical thinking skills and confidence. It shows them that they have the capability to overcome challenges and handle difficult situations effectively.

16. You’re a fantastic friend.

Recognizing your child’s ability to connect with others promotes social skills and empathy. It encourages them to cultivate meaningful relationships and be supportive companions to their peers.

17. You’re an amazing storyteller.

Acknowledging your child’s storytelling skills encourages self-expression and creativity. It shows them that their imagination and communication skills are valued and appreciated.

18. You have a knack for making people laugh.

Praising your child’s sense of humor boosts their confidence and social skills. It emphasizes the positive impact of their humor on others and encourages them to continue spreading joy.

19. You’re so patient and understanding.

Recognizing your child’s patience encourages emotional intelligence and empathy towards others. It teaches them the importance of listening and understanding different perspectives.

20. You have a special way of making others feel loved.

Acknowledging your child’s affectionate nature reinforces positive relationships and empathy. It shows them the importance of expressing love and appreciation towards others.

Thank you for taking the time to read 10 positive statements that parents should say to their children. I hope you find this information useful and start using these 10 positive statements more in your day. Our children are our future.

We, as parents, need to encourage more positive behavior to create a bright future for our little ones. If you enjoyed this post, feel free to leave a comment. If you would like to email me you can reach me at [email protected]

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