Crochet Idiot’s Guides Product Review – Crocheting For Total Beginners

So you love all of the beautiful crochet patterns you see online. Scarves, shawls, slippers, blankets, and more. If you find yourself wishing you could make these things yourself, you are in total luck. Today I’ll be reviewing an amazing product that can help you get started as a beginner to crochet. If you’re like me then you need to be shown exactly how to do something before you can do it. That’s why this guide is so fantastic!

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Who Is Crochet (Idiot’s Guides) For?

This guide is for anyone who wants to learn how to crochet, but has no idea where to begin. It is designed specifically for people who like step by step instruction as well as clear picture images.

But! That doesn’t mean that this book isn’t for crochet veterans or anyone with experience. They can find a ton of value in this guide as well.

No matter what level of skill you have, this guide aims to help you perfect some of the most common crochet techniques with expert advice.

What Is Included?

  • 1 Paperback guide with 272 pages
  • Full color images with ultra up-close views of each stitch
  • Clear and comprehensive tutorials for both beginner and veterans
  • Crochet patterns

What Makes Crochet Idiot’s Guides Different Than Other Tutorial Books?

From my personal experience with crochet tutorial books I can say that this one is completely different on many levels. The first and most important difference is that it truly will help beginners learn how to crochet because you can see each and every step clearly and precisely.

Also, other books I have read or tried to learn from left me confused and feeling defeated. I am the type of person that needs to see exactly what I am supposed to do and have it explained to me in detail.

However, some books have black and white pictures or cartoon depictions that aren’t very helpful. These full color images are so great and you can really understand what is going on.

It’s Not A Boring Old Book

Another key reason why this book is superior in my opinion is because it isn’t totally boring! It’s made for modern day and current events. My mom lent me a book from probably the 70’s and told me that it would help me learn how to crochet.

Well…that didn’t happen. It was impossible to understand and honestly I didn’t have the patience as I’m sure many other people have struggled with while learning to crochet.

The author June Gilbank is fantastic in her execution of the book and included a ton of original accessory patterns that people will love.

Plus, the book is designed in a way that it won’t bore even the most seasoned crochet veteran out there. It’s truly great.

What Can I Learn To Make With This Guide Book?

There are multiple patterns and projects to learn.

With this guide, you could learn to make a flecked scarf, cozy cowl, handy baskets, rolling waves blanket, phone or tablet slip cover, mitts, and more.

Honestly, this crochet guide book covers almost every beginner project you can imagine which is pretty cool.

Pros and Cons Of Crochet Idiot’s Guides


  • Clear and concise instructions for each step that aren’t confusing.
  • Full color images that are large and show detail
  • Tons of great patterns to learn
  • Great for any skill level
  • Practice projects to showcase the skills you’ve learned
  • Expert advice and teachings
  • Affordable


  • You still need to purchase your own yarn and supplies to begin
  • If you have trouble learning from books rather than in person you may not enjoy the guide.

The Takeaway

Overall after doing the Crochet Idiot’s Guides product review I feel like this is the perfect book for absolute beginners learning to crochet. It’s unlike many other guides and actually shows you every single step in full detail with pictures.

Honestly it would be hard NOT to learn from this book. With all of the excellent patterns and practice projects to try, there is a ton of value included.

I think that June Gilbank does an excellent job and her execution of the guide book is incredible. She created the guidebook in a way that is perfect for beginners and still fun for veterans which is fantastic.

Would I recommend this guidebook? Absolutely!

Finally, if this book sounds like exactly what you need to learn how to crochet then you should snatch it up right now on Amazon by clicking here

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