5 Fun Ways To Promote Your Blog Posts

5 fun ways to promote your blog posts

As a blogger you have a ton of great options when it comes to promoting your blog posts. Some would say that good promotion is more important than the post itself! Promoting can feel daunting and boring at times, but here are 5 fun ways to promote your blog posts online!

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Twitter Blog Post Threads

If you’re not already using Twitter for your blog promotion efforts then I highly recommend that you sign up.

Twitter has daily threads that you can share your latest posts on.

There are even special accounts that you can follow who do these types of posts quite a bit.




To name a few!

Also be on the look out for other Twitter users who do fun comment threads and share posts. This can be a fantastic way to have your post shared, commented on, and retweeted at the same time!


This platform is extremely underrated as a place to promote your blog posts, but it definitely is not one to forget about.

Quora is a great platform for having your questions answered by professionals or people who are knowledgeable in certain subjects.

Set up an account and list your expertise.

Over time you will receive questions from other users and you can feel free to answer any of them that you know the answer to. If you have a great relevant blog post that can answer their question you can link it there!

Tip: Make sure the link is 100% relevant.

This is a fantastic way to put your content to good use and if people love your an content could get ranked as a top answer!


Pinterest of course made the list for fun ways to promote your blog posts.

Personally I love designing pins and pinning them for others to see. Especially if it is something I am very passionate about.

Pinterest is such a great platform and social search engine. If people go to Pinterest and search about things relevant to your content you will have the potential to get pinned and even possibly go viral.

Facebook Groups

Guess how I became a blogger in the first place?

By joining a blogging Facebook group! I loved the environment. Everyone was so kind and answered a lot of my beginner questions.

We even shared our content to each other and supported eachother.


Your mailing list is your best asset. These are people who went out of their way to actually sign up to your blog.

Once these people sign up you can safely assume that they are interested in what you have to say for the most post.

Use that to your advantage and post your latest content to them regularly.

This is one of my top fun ways to promote your blog posts because of how great it is to engage with your actual readers and fans.

Did you enjoy this list or find it helpful?

Please let me know in the comments if this post was helpful. Also feel free to let me know if you use any of these methods to promote your blog! I would love to see you in my new FB group.

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