Trick or Treat Essentials For The Best Experience

trick or treat essentials

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10 Trick or Treat Essentials

Halloween is a day of fun and spookiness all in one. Sometimes, in all of the excitement of the events going on around us, we often forget some much-needed necessities for this yearly tradition. Here I will list for you the top 10 Trick or Treat essentials that you are not going to want to leave the house without.

#1. Flashlight

While there is a plethora of technology out there today to help our kids stay safe, having a battery-powered flashlight could prove valuable in the event their electronics fail them.

If you are a worry wart like me, your kids will probably never find themselves out trick-or-treating alone in the first place, but if they do, be sure they can light their way. Also, even if you are accompanying your children, this item could help you just as much. No one needs a sprained ankle.

#2. Trick or Treat Bag

Again, it may seem like an obvious item to bring along, but you’d be terribly surprised how many kids go without proper candy collecting bags. When I was a kid I usually had a Walmart bag or something similar. I rarely had a cute pumpkin bucket.

Personally I recommend a trick or treat bag. The reason why is because plastic buckets often do not hold as much candy, they can be a little awkward to carry, and depending on how cheap you go, you could experience the unfortunate event of the handle popping out. Been there done that.

#3. Child Locating Device

It is safe to say we all know the world is changing. Some things for the better, some things not so much. It is not wrong of us as parents to worry about the unthinkable. Trick or Treating is a family experience that is wholesome and fun, but what if you get separated from your young child?

Will they know how to find you? Are you going to be able to find them in a sea of children? These are questions that are real, and the situations are more than plausible. Every 40 seconds a child goes missing in the United States.

#4. Reflective Tape

So I’m sure now we’ve established that visibility can be an issue when kids are trick or treating. Depending on where you live you may be faced with vehicle traffic in your treat zone. I highly suggest placing a piece of reflective tape somewhere on your child’s costume.

The tape will allow drivers to spot your child if they have to cross the street. Without it, even the most cautious driver could struggle to see your little ones if they are wearing dark costumes.

#5. Wagon

Trust me, wagons are life savers. I purchased a wagon last year from a farm supply store and it was probably the best investment I could have ever made.

The first few years of treating, my child was much too small to do a ton of walking. She tired out very quickly which resulted in a lot of carrying. Strollers are nice, but often times the storage space is limited and of course, small children hate all the walking.

#6. Comfortable Costume

Costumes are supposed to be creative, spooky, and unique. Kids all over love picking out their costumes and expressing themselves. One very important element to consider is the costume’s comfort level.

While costumes and comfort do not go hand in hand most of the time, for the most fun and enjoyable time it should be a priority. Many costumes can be altered slightly to increase comfort levels so children can focus on enjoying themselves during festivities.

Things to consider.

  • Warmth/Cold – If it is hot outside, make sure the costume is made of thin, breathable material that is not itchy. If it is cold be sure to add layers of clothes underneath.
  • Tight spots – Costumes are difficult to size properly so be sure that the costume fits with no uncomfortable tight spots. Try altering or adding material in problem areas.
  • Itchiness – Some costumes have uncomfortable itchy seams. Try adding light padding for those spots.
  • Masks – Make sure they are breathable and that vision is not impaired.

#7. Glow Bracelets/Necklace

Are these really trick or treat essentials? I think so. I loved them as a kid and my daughter does as well.

They are cool to look at and they add an extra element of visibility which is a key ingredient to a great trick or treat experience. These also make a great alternative to flashlights because they can be easily worn instead of carried around.

#8. Friends/Family

I highly recommend that you or your child never go trick or treating alone. Make sure that you bring along a family member or friend and stick together for the entire night.

Even if you live in the safest neighborhood it is not impossible for you to get lost, get hurt, or run into odd strangers. Keep each other safe by staying in a group. Plus it’s way more fun!

#9. Charged Cellphone

Make sure you bring along a cellphone that is well charged before you head out. This way you can call out in case of emergency, stay connected with your older children while they are with their friends, or have access to GPS for directions.

Once it gets dark it becomes hard to read street signs and if the area becomes crowded it can be hard to tell where you are, as landmarks may be blocked from view. Plus, cellphones are handy to capture precious picture perfect moments.

#10. Walking Shoes

Keep in mind that trick or treating involves a ton of walking. This is why I have to include these as trick or treat essentials.  Even if you are pulling your child in a stroller or wagon you are going to be on foot. Make sure that you have on comfortable shoes and that your children do as well.

This will prevent sore feet, back pain, and complaining. There is nothing worse than being far from your vehicle or home with horribly uncomfortable shoes. Then also knowing that you have no choice but to walk all the way back.

Have fun!

Have a Happy Halloween and a fun Trick or Treat experience! I hope you find these items and tips helpful for you and your kiddos. Be sure to check all your child’s candy for safety purposes and don’t eat too much yourself. 😉

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